Billerica Recreation Department
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Next Level Pickleball Register View Cart

Are you an improving player looking to bring your game to the next level?  This clinic is for the player that can consistently keep the ball in play.  We will target areas of your game that need the most work with drills that will help you remember proper technique.  Wear pockets, we will be keeping plenty of balls in motion for each lesson.

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Next Level Pickleball, Spring '25 
18y - 110y N/A 06/09/2025 - 06/30/2025
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Peggy Hannon-Rizza Rec Complex (PHR) - Tennis/Pickleball Court 5
$75.00 Fee, $75.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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